Talking business: Microfinance for decentralised renewables in Africa


ARE with the kind support of the African-EU Renewable Energy Cooperation Programme (RECP) has the pleasure to invite you to the workshop “Talking business: Microfinance for decentralised renewables in Africa” on 9 October 2017 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The programme will feature presentations & discussions on:

  • Services and activities offered by RECP and ARE for investors/financiers and project developers interested in venturing into Africa’s renewable energy markets
  • The business case for microfinanciers: Why and how microfinance players should invest in decentralised renewables in Africa
  • Panel discussion on the experiences of microfinance players and decentralised RE companies
  • Pitches from decentralised RE and microfinance players to present their products and explain what type of projects/partners they are looking for

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