Gender + Research Area 1

1. Electrification through grid and decentralised systems, with a focus on impacts


Lead Partner: 


University of Oslo (UiO), Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM), Norway

Tanja Winther is in charge at the Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM) on this research area.



TERI, India

A non-profit, scientific and policy research organization, working in India and globally in the fields of energy, environment and sustainability.

Seacrester Consulting, Kenya

A consulting agency in Kenya.

Dunamai Energy, Malawi

An energy organisation in Malawi.

Collaborating partner:


Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC), Nepal

AEPC is a Government institution established in 1996 under the then Ministry of Science and Technology with the objective of developing and promoting renewable/alternative energy technologies in Nepal.