Event Recap: Women, Energy & Economic Empowerment Panel discussion, March 19, 2015

The Women, Energy, and Economic Empowerment Breakfast Panel host by Deloitte Center for Energy Solutions and ENERGIA International Network on Gender and Sustainable Energy, at the backdrop of Beijing +20 was a success. The event brought together over 50 leaders from government, private sector, and nonprofit institutions to discuss practical experiences, potential solutions, and ongoing challenges at the intersection of gender and energy.
At the crux of our discussion was a paradigm shift from women as victims to women as actors and change agents. Not only is there a human imperative to provide women access to sustainable and affordable energy, but there is increasingly compelling evidence that this access can accelerate program results, spur economic growth, and create job opportunities. When we change the conversation from it’s the right thing to do, to it’s the smart thing to do, we put gender on the agenda no matter the audience.
For more information on this topic, please visit the Deloitte University Press article entitled Women, Energy, and Economic Empowerment.

For questions or additional information, please contact Sophia Peters or Kathleen O’Dell.

Source: Deloitte Center for Energy Solutions
