Webinar Invitation: RE-Thinking The Role Of Energy Technology For Women’s Empowerment

Date: 6 May 2015 08:30 – 10:30 EDT

Organized by: Empower Women, UNIDO, UN Women and ENERGIA

In achieving its unique mandate to accelerate inclusive and sustainable industrial development, UNIDO recognizes access to sustainable energy for productive uses as a key catalyst for inclusive and sustainable economic development. In particular, UNIDO focuses on the role of women as agents in promoting and using climate technologies and renewable energy solutions – recognizing that women can take the initiative and play a key role in driving innovative actions to abate greenhouse gas emissions and reduce the risks posed by climate change. UN Women recognizes in addition that climate mitigation and adaptation technologies, especially in the field of renewable energy, can be a catalyst for women’s economic empowerment and the promotion of gender equality.

During this webinar organized by UNIDO in cooperation with the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN), UN Women, and ENERGIA and hosted by EmpowerWomen.org on 6 May at 8:30 am (EDT), experts and entrepreneurs in the field of sustainable energy invite us to RE-Think the role of climate technologies for women’s empowerment. To facilitate discussion and knowledge exchange on the nexus between mutually reinforcing linkages of gender, climate technologies, sustainable energy, and inclusive and sustainable industrial development, we bring together prominent experts in the field of gender and sustainable energy.

Experts include Alois Mhlanga, from the UNIDO Energy Branch; Joy Clancy, from ENERGIA ; Wandee Khunchornyakong, head of the Solar Power Company Group, the largest solar power generation company in Thailand; Monica Christy, Senior Programme Officer representing Kopernik’s Ibu Inspirasi initiative; and Ondina da Barca Vieira, from UN Women in Mozambique. Discussions will focus on innovative solutions for the successful transfer of climate technologies that engage women as key actors, as well as on enabling conditions for empowering women as agents of change in driving innovative climate actions, and the role of climate technologies in accelerating women’s economic empowerment.

To attend the webinar, register here.

For more information on this webinar please contact the UNIDO energy-gender expert Katharina Proestler at k.proestler@unido.org.